Senin, 11 April 2011

about us him and you

about us him and you
I know your friend likes him and her you should also know that I too
but it will be possible and engga engga will happen all that, I know she want a friend you more ..
hard and difficult for revealing all this I'm confused to choose between you and him
even though I just feel as a fool who loves someone who does not know what he loved me or not
I'm only a fool would wait tapa certainty while you?
surely it will get easily
what should I do now?
see you guys together and small tears in the liver
lying to yourself this forever?
I have to do?
give me an answer!
until when I will feel like a fool?
until when I would feel as a woman stupid?
you are worth with his ....
everyone knows that ...
you can be happy with her
and ........
I'll sit here and cry in the hearts of small
you him and me, me you and him = you and him: '(

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